LEE GAMBLE – exhaust ep (12" Vinyl)

`Flush Real Pharynx' is the title of sound designer/artist/composer and DJ Lee Gamble's new three-part album for Hyperdub. The triptych loosely explores three stages of the Semioblitz - the aggressive onslaught of visual and sonic stimuli of contemporary cities and virtual spaces. From `In A Paraventral Scale' (the first part of the triptych released at the start of 2019) the coil springs out into the straight-up choked semioblitz of part 2 _ `Exhaust'. Gone are the serpentine dopplers and seductive supercar engines. `Exhaust's neon-charms coalesce into an MDMA rush of Boston Dynamics dog barks, hypnotic voices and imploding motion sculptures. From the backfiring splinters of `CREAM' through disorientating photo shutter snare patterns of `Shard', `Exhaust's sultry voices take you for a 300mph ride down the psychedelic high street stitching together clashing strands of club soundscapes on its way. `Exhaust' engages in a world well and truly with us right now - explosive, chaotic, unpredictable, contradictory, intoxicating, hyper-colourful, blown-apart and disturbingly engaging in its surreality. It's Gamble's `Gully Automated Music Concrète', sounding out from a high rise overlooking the Ballardian motion-sculpture of a collapsing motorway system. *hyperdub

12" 12,90€* Lieferzeit min. 1 Woche**

UK 19

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