MELVINS – bullhead (CD, LP Vinyl)
Repress des 91er-Klassikers mit updated Artwork und Gatefoldcover! Melvins´ follow-up to 1989s Ozma was 1991s groundbreaking Bullhead. The songs are longer, the mood is calmer, yet more menacing. Boris (which gave the Japanese group their name) is a long, slow, low death march of addiction and self-abuse. Zodiac is a frantic punk rock machine gun blasting away at Buzzs demons (both inner and outer). Cow is a happy baboon bashing away at the best drum solo of his life. Its Shoved is a groovy beat for the cast of Shindig to bop along to, until their carefree performances of The Pony, The Mashed Potato, and The Watusi are horribly interrupted by the soundstage tilting up and sliding them all into a mangled heap of screaming dancers, broken cameras and flaming electronic equipment at the bottom. *Boner