TREES SPEAK – ohms (CD, LP Vinyl)

Weisses Vinyl. Trees Speak are from Tucson, Arizona and create new music that sounds like german Krautrock meets No Wave/Post-Punk and Psych Rock- music for fans of Cluster, Tangerine Dream, Can, Neu!, SilverApples and early Kraftwerk. The album 'OHMS' sounds at times like a tripped out & moody John Carpenter/Goblin/Morricone- soundtrack that seamlessly segues into propulsive, 'motorik' Krautrock instrumentals loaded with fuzzy, hypnotic mellotron, synths and analogue effects, as well as elements of Art Ensemble free jazz, and all at times reaching a kind of post-rave psychedelia. Trees Speak are Daniel Martin Diaz and Damian Diaz plus musicians from the Tucson, Arizona scene such as Giant Sand, XIXA and James Hunter. 'Trees Speak' relates to the idea of future technologies storing information and data in Trees and plants - using them as hard drives - and the idea that Trees communicate collectively. *Soul Jazz

CD 18,90€* Lieferzeit min. 1 Woche**
LPcol 30,90€* Lieferzeit min. 1 Woche**

UK 20


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